Serums. Are they necessary? Do they work? What ones do I need? Where do I start?! Never fear, just click here for my guide to serums and whether or not you REALLY need them…
So those little lumps that have been sitting on your forehead for weeks finally broke down your will and you did it. You picked. Hey, don’t be ashamed! You’ve done it, they’ve done it, I’ve done it! The brief relief followed by the instant regret and the self loathing every time you look at that…
Acne scarring? Dark spots? Pigmentation? If that sounds like you, then this journal should help! Learn the best products to help with tackling pigmentation and why! Your perfect brightening routine awaits!
The Masked Bunny, a skincare enthusiast in Australia, offers skincare advice and personalized product recommendations on their blog. They began their journey amid adult acne, learning through trial and error, to restore their skin by understanding ingredients and their effects. Now, they hope to assist others on their skincare journeys.